STARFALL.COMTeachers around the world use and Starfall high-quality educational products as an inexpensive way to make the classroom more fun and inspire a love of reading and writing. Parents use Starfall to prepare their children for school, and to support them once they are there. Starfall is an educational alternative to other entertainment choices for children.
IPL KIDSPACEAn online library with a specific theme for children of all ages to explore and learn. The Internet Public Library is a public service organization and a learning/teaching environment founded at the University of Michigan School of Information and hosted by Drexel University’s College of Information Science & Technology.
KIDZONEA fun website with learning activities for all ages and grades, as well as crafts, games, magic tricks, and more.
UP TO TEN The #1 independent kids site in the world. Loaded with animated cards, coloring pages, and over 1,000 games. Used by schools worldwide.
The links on this page are only suggestions for furthering your child’s education at home. While these links are on our site, we do not endorse, and we do not receive any additional support from these sites. As with any information found on the internet you should use great care and caution when allowing your children to use the internet.